Page Cleanup and Compatibility

Page Cleanup and Compatibility


This guide helps to ensure that the page only contains required tags and prevents incompatible tags which could cause problems.
If the page contains ad stacks like AdSense, GPT or others, they need to be removed. All necessary tags will be loaded by AdEngine in an optimized way.

Google Publisher Tags

If the page loads GPT, remove all tags in the head element for loading and configuring GPT. This includes tags shown in the following examples:

<script async src="https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/tag/js/gpt.js" type="text/javascript"/>
<script> window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.pubads().disableInitialLoad(); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.enableServices(); }); </script>


If the page loads AdSense, remove all tags in the head element for loading and configuring AdSense. This includes tags shown in the following examples:

<script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js" type="text/javascript"/>
<script> (window.adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).pauseAdRequests = 1; </script>


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